Event Sourcing · Software Development

Data ingestion with Logstash and EventStore

Event Store is a database to store data as events in data streams It allows to implement CQRS and Event Sourcing. It also allows to exchange messages between components using simple Pub/Sub pattern It’s open source and there is a community edition free to use and a commercial license with support as well This article… Continue reading Data ingestion with Logstash and EventStore


Agile notes

These days I’m re-filling up my brain with all sort of knowledge edges from BlockChain and Machine Learning to all Agile variants. Here are notes that I should remember. A lot of managers don’t think twice about every day things that slow down developers Slow or unstable development machines Delays from business folks in clarifying… Continue reading Agile notes

Event Sourcing

Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing and Micro-Services explained for developers

And when I speak of the other division of the intelligible, you will understand me to speak of that other sort of knowledge which reason herself attains by the power of dialectic, using the hypotheses not as first principles, but only as hypotheses — that is to say, as steps and points of departure into… Continue reading Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing and Micro-Services explained for developers

Software Development

Build an Angular2 app and run it on AWS using a Docker container in 30 minutes

In this article I will try to trans-pile the content of a tech meetup where I conducted a demo about “Building an Angular2 app and run it in a Docker Container on AWS in 30 minutes”. The main points are: Build Angular2 project with Angular-CLI and customize the home page with a simple Customers service… Continue reading Build an Angular2 app and run it on AWS using a Docker container in 30 minutes

Software Development

An Ingestion system of unstructured data-sources

Nowadays I’m focused on semantic web and graph relations. The stack of techs that I’m using is formed by lightweight services like an input adapter and a domain processor and some infrastructure software like EventStore geteventstore and Neo4J. I’m using EventStore as an input pipeline and Neo4J as a Domain Model store for a simple… Continue reading An Ingestion system of unstructured data-sources

Event Sourcing

Functional Domain Driven Design and Event Sourcing example in C#

This is an example of an aggregate written in C# following a functional approach similar to what it is possible to achieve with languages like F#, Scala or Clojure. What it IS NOT in the Domain code example: An AggregateBase class An Aggregate Stateful class What it IS in the Domain code example: An Aggregate… Continue reading Functional Domain Driven Design and Event Sourcing example in C#